Athol Fugard voting
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Master Harold
Sizwe Bansi is Dead
The Road to Mecca
Boesman and Lena
A Place with the Pigs
Valley Song
The Captain's Tiger
Best scene in a Fugard play
In My Children! My Africa! right before Mr. M. dies...made me cry
The mime sequence at the beginning of The Island
The Author turning into Buks in Valley Song
to see all the best scenes (over 100) click here
Best subject for a new play
The inmates of Robben Island prison becoming the tour guides for the new museum of the prison
A play about his father
A play about the influences American culture has had on South Africa
to see all the best subjects click here
Worst subject for a new play
Subjects that are too personal
Steer clear from politics, please. We've heard it all now
Plays set in the contemporary South African context. In that he would lose the innate quality that the past has a bearing on the events of contemporary South Africa
to see all the worst subjects click here
Please vote for the best play, or your favourite scene.
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