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- The Nelson Mandela Story
- the Boer War
- ones about sex? LOL! Not too sure...he's a
brilliant writer, he could pull anything off in
my opinion!
- anything relating to his personal history - he
has done that to death. I would like to see AF
reinvent himself now that the struggle is over
- the white
- if it moves him he should do it so I would
never want to tell him what not to do even if it
didn't interest me as much as other subjects
- stuff on apartheid
- who are we to prescribe what writers should or
should not be aware of and responding to.
.."never" such an extreme concept,
perhaps part of the s.a. cultural conscious where
self and other were construed as untranslatable,
an impossibility, hence are continuing implied by
this question for extreme binaries of subjects
- whatever Fugard does, I'm certain, it will be
- Amy Irving
- anything about Nelson Mandela
- Jewish comedies
- Nelson Mandela
- there is nothing he should never do,
playwrights explore and put into words what we in
the world cannot or will not....
- Britney Spears and Eminem
- an Elizabethan comedy
- he is the writer - who are we to say what he
cannot do....
- I can't say never to such a writer and the
director......coz theatre is all about something
new. No keep it going .....don't you think of
making a film ? cos u have got that ability
- something non-South African
- plays set in the contemporary South African
context. In that he would lose the innate quality
that the past has a bearing on the events of
contemporary South Africa
- homosexuality; he still hasn't done anything
on heterosexuals
- racism nowdays
- what a presumptuous question! He knows the
answer to that better than anyone else in the
- druggies~ <(^.^)>...lol
- cliché social events
- enough of apartheid
- broken hearts that never mend
- steer clear from politics, please. We've heard
it all now
- I think anything that Mr Fugard writes would
be an inspiration in many ways. He said himself
that he doesn't read reviews which tells me
that he'll simply write anything he darn well
wants to
- a play about how females get circumsized in
- subjects that are too personal (sexual
proclivities, etc.)
- nude scenes, overtly
politically correct plays and pedantic ideas that are beneath his