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Sarah Kane Sarah Kancold news 2005-4


An archive of the 2005 Hot News



4.48 Psychosis in The Netherlands and Belgium

Sarah Kane 4.48 Psychosis- click for link

Photo © Philip Provily

4.48 Psychosis is playing in The Netherlands and Belgium between 24 Mar and 20 Apr 2005.  It plays in The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Den Bosch, Eindhoven, Haarlem and Utrecht, and in Belgium (Antwerpen and Leuven).

The director is Olivier Provily and the translation to Dutch is by Marcel Otten.  The play is acted by Nanette Edens.

"4.48 Psychose is een roep vanuit de diepte van een ziel. Aan het woord is een vrouw die het geweld en het lijden van de hele samenleving op zich heeft genomen. Via krachtige taalbeelden confronteert zij de toeschouwer met haar persoonlijke relaas over de hunkering naar liefde en haar gevecht tegen de hedendaagse vervreemding. Haar behoefte om te protesteren tegen de liefdeloosheid van de moderne westerse samenleving is in elk woord voelbaar. Haar gemis aan liefde heeft ingrijpende gevolgen."

Thanks to Nanette for the information.  Clink on the link for more details.



Anéantis (Blasted) in Paris

Sarah Kane- Aneantis- click for link Blasted is on in Paris in Sains Denis from 18 Mar- 17 Apr 2005.

Mise en scène et scénographie Daniel Jeanneteau, collaboration artistique et lumière Marie-Christine Soma, assistante à la mise en scène Aurélia Guillet, costumes Ann Williams, son Yves Coméliau, régie générale Damiano Gatto.

The actors are Stéphanie Schwartzbrod (Cate), Gérard Watkins (Ian), Gaël Baron (Le Soldat).

Sarah Kane- Aneantis- click for link
© Daniel Jeanneteau

"J'ai été stupéfaite de ces clameurs d'épouvante qui ont éclaté à propos de mes pièces, parce qu'en fin de compte il ne s'agit pas de brutalité ou de cruauté. Elles sont là, sans plus, quand on écrit et qu'en dépit de toute la violence qui existe, on veut continuer d'aimer et d'espérer". Ainsi parlait, d'or, Sarah Kane, qui mit fin à ses jours en 1999, au terme d'une lutte incessante contre la souffrance mentale et l'état du monde. Daniel Jeanneteau, sur le point de mettre en scène Anéantis, pièce terrible qui fait apparaître, ainsi qu'elle le disait, "un lien direct entre la violence domestique en Angleterre et la guerre civile dans l'ancienne Yougoslavie", estime qu'il est temps, aujourd'hui, de voir en Sarah Kane "un être visionnaire, frappé de lucidité et généreux".

Thanks to Nadege for the information.  Click on the left image for more details.



Blasted in Germany

Sarah Kane- Blasted- click for link The Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin is presenting Blasted on 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 Mar 2005.

The actors are Ulrich Mühe (Ian), Katharina Schüttler (Cate), Thomas Thieme (soldat).

Deutsch von Nils Tabert, regie: Thomas Ostermeier, Bühne Jan Pappelbaum, Kostüme Almut Eppinger, Musik Malte Beckenbach, Dramaturgie Marius von Mayenburg, Licht Urs Schönebaum.

"Der Journalist Ian und Cate, eine junge Frau, betreten ein luxuriöses Hotelzimmer in Leeds. Ihre Beziehung ist seit langem beendet, aber Ian begehrt Cate noch immer. Doch sie weist ihn ab. Sie ist aus Mitleid mit dem todkranken Ian mitgegangen. Ian, der eine Pistole bei sich trägt, fühlt sich verfolgt, kontrolliert Türen und Fenster und schreckt bei jedem Geräusch auf. Er bedroht und demütigt Cate und vergewaltigt sie in der Nacht. Am Morgen kann sie unbemerkt durch das Badezimmerfenster entkommen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass Ians Paranoia nicht unbegründet ist, denn tatsächlich dringt ein Soldat ins Hotelzimmer ein. Draußen herrscht Krieg, der mit seiner ganzen Brutalität und zerstörerischen Kraft in das Zimmer und in das Leben von Ian hereinbricht."

Click on the image for more details.



4.48 Psychosis and Crave in Prague

  The National Theatre in Prague presents Psychosis 4,48 as part of it's regular repertory since March 2003 and it will continue to be performed through 2005.

Also in Prague, the Rubin Theatre is presenting Crave from Jan 2005.

Thanks to Anna for the information.



Blasted (??, ??)  in Korea

Sarah Kane- Blasted- click for link Théâtre Années Folles Production present Blasted in the INA Theatre, Seoul.  The actors are Yuji Nagano, Hiromi Saotome and Ttesu Hirahara.  It's on from 3-6 Mar 2005.

Click on the image for more details.



4.48 Psychosis in Italy

Sarah Kane- 4.48 Psychosis- click for link 4.48 Psychosis is being performed in Italy.

It is performed by Giovanna Mezzogiorno: "I wanted to go back on stage and I wanted to do something that would push my skills to the limits… I've always considered the theatre as being more difficult than cinema, something that is more extreme… My aim was to once again have the sensation of fear, of curiosity, that only something new can give you. And for me to return on stage after nine years means doing something new".

The director is Piero Maccarinelli.  Translation is by Gian Maria Cervo, soundtrack by Martux- M and visual architecture by DDG Crew.

Click on the image for more details.



Phaedra's Love in Italy

Sarah Kane Phaedras Love- click for link After an entire body of work dedicated to Sarah Kane’s writing, started in 1999 with the Dark Age Project - a series of studies on the mythological figure of Ariadne - the Accademia degli Artefatti decides to work directly with Kane’s text.

The immediate and only possible choice for the Accademia is to work on the figure of Phaedra.

... I sense it’s about a fire. A fire with no way out, with no open doors; it stays inside, it fills its room. It swells the body of the actor. It only finds little gaps, thin apertures through which you glimpse the consistency of its color... I perceive an underground energy, as an earthquake, a never-ending rhythm in the background, onto which words lie, shaping the lyrics of a song played on an scratchy gramophone... I feel an ineptitude of adhesion, as a non-coincidence, as the story is known; dragging itself on as a burden, trapping and forcing all it can find, creating an adjacent environment, in which you can stay. At the edges of the room, in the calligraphy and into the non-sense of the writing, into the intersections of the pauses.

Translated from Italian by Claudia Cannizzaro.

Click on the image for more details.



Crave in Kansas City

Cinnamon Eye Productions present Crave at the Westport Coffee House.



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